Sunday, November 14, 2010

Writing about Peace

Mika wrote this essay for a school essay writing contest about the meaning of peace.

Peace is when people don't fight or hurt each other. Peace can be between people or world nations. Without peace we would have a lot of wars and a lot of people would die because of war. Nations resolve their differences by going to an organization called the United Nations and they bring together diplomats from all the nations around the world. They have a big meeting, they try to solve problems peacefully.

Two great leaders who peacefully protested for change were Mahatma Gandhi in India and South Africa and Martin Luther King Jr. Gandhi wanted India to be free from the British. He organized a march to get salt because he didn't like the British salt tax and didn't want to pay.

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lived in Montgomery, Alabama in the 1950s. He stopped segregation and believed in peace, not violence and had bus boycots. He earned the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize. Martin got inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and he got inspired by how Mahatma Gandhi did things peacefully, not violently.

Sources consulted:
(2) Martin Luther King Jr. by Amy Pastan

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