Saturday, December 25, 2010

Book Review: Sassy the Birthday Storm

Name of book: Sassy the Birthday Storm

Author: Sharon M. Draper

I liked this book: some

This book was: fiction

What happened in the story: Sassy goes to her grandma's house in Florida to celebrate her grammy's birthday party. The birthday party gets canceled because a hurricane is coming. So they prepare for it. And after the hurricane Sassy cleans up the beach.

What is the theme of the book? In my opinion, the theme of the book is sometimes things don't go as expected. When things don't go as anticipated you should make the best of it.

How this story relates to or reminds me of something in my own life: The story relates to me because in the story the sky was really dark when Sassy looked up. When I was in Florida I saw a dark sky.

Three new words I learned while reading this book and writing this book review:
(1) clumping - making a heavy, dull sound
(2) tropical depression - when lowered pressure is at the center of a group of thunderstorms
(3) dreary - boring, dull, dismal, causing unhappiness

Pick one of your new words: dreary

Look it up in the thesaurus. List words that have a similar meaning and define them.

(1) Similar word: Blah - worthless, nonsense, drivel
(2) Similar word: Boring - not interesting, tiresome, dull
(3) Similar word: Colorless - lacking color, weak in color, lacking animation or variety
(4) Similar word: Humdrum - lacking variety or excitement, dull

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